Concentrated Solar

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Austin, Texas



"Changing the Way the World Makes and Uses Energy"


Thanks electric utilities and electric grid,
we'll take it from here!

Concentrated Solar

What is
Concentrated Solar Power?

Concentrated Solar Power plants or "CSP" plants, generate electric power by converting the sun's energy into high-temperature heat using various mirror configurations. The heat is then channeled through a conventional generator. The plants consist of two parts: one that collects solar energy and converts it to heat, and another that converts heat energy to electricity.

Concentrated solar power systems can be sized for village power (10 kilowatts) or grid-connected applications (up to 100 megawatts). Some CSP systems use thermal storage during cloudy periods or at night. Others can be combined with natural gas and the resulting hybrid power plants provide high-value, dispatchable power. These attributes, along with world record solar-to-electric conversion efficiencies, make concentrated solar power an attractive renewable energy option in the Southwest and other sunbelt regions worldwide.

Picture by Self Reliance, Inc.

Picture by Self Reliance, Inc.

Concentrated Solar

Balance Of Plant  *  Balance Of System  *  Concentrated PV  *  Concentrating Solar Power  *  EcoGeneration  *  Molten Salt Storage

Net Zero Energy  Parabolic Trough  *  Power Purchase Agreement  *  Renewable Energy Credits  *  Solar Cogeneration

"The Future of Energy is Net Zero Energy!" sm

Way Beyond Solar sm

"Net Zero Energy" to Reach Revenues of $690 Billion / year by 2020
and $1.3 Trillion / year Industry by 2035

"Changing the Way the World Makes and Uses Energy" SM


For Advertising, Business Development, Marketing
or Sales solutions, call or email:

Austin, Texas







All the Electricity the World Needs With Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions
from Concentrated Solar Power Plants Using a Very Small Part of the Desert

In the map below, the larger red square on the left shows an area of hot desert that, if covered with concentrated solar power plants, 
would produce as much electricity as the world currently uses. The smaller square shows a corresponding area for providing all of the 
power needed by the European Union.


The map and information above courtesy of

The Following Press Release Re-printed with Permission from The World Bank

Over $5.5 billion in New Investment for Clean Energy Technology in the Middle East and North Africa Region

Washington, D.C.,  December 1, 2009 -  Concentrated Solar Power project financing in the amount of $750 million was issued on December 2, 2009, and will mobilize an additional $4.85 billion from other sources, to accelerate global deployment of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). It will do so by investing in the CSP programs of five countries in the Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia. The CTF is a multi-donor trust fund to facilitate deployment of low-carbon technologies at scale. Specifically, the CTF approved an investment plan which will:

The proposed gigawatt-scale deployment through 11 commercial-scale power plants over a 3-5 year time-frame would provide the critical mass of investments necessary to attract significant private sector interest, benefit from economies of scale to reduce cost, result in learning in diverse operating conditions, and manage risk.

Officials stated "This is a most strategic and significant initiative for MENA countries. The initiative would leverage energy diversification, while promoting Euro-Mediterranean integration to the benefit of MENA countries that will be able to exploit one of the major untapped sources of energy. This endeavor is far-reaching with global objectives, implications, and potential impact. It will facilitate faster and greater diffusion of this technology in this region which holds significant potential for CSP".

Potential for Green House Gas (GHG) reduction: The proposed projects will avoid about 1.7 million tons of carbon dioxide per year from the energy sectors of the countries. If the program is successful and replicated, the global benefits will be far larger. The transformational objective of this investment plan is served by accelerating cost reduction for a technology that could become least-cost globally, and then be replicated in other countries with high GHG emissions.

Expected Results from the Investment plan: The results indicators for the investment plan are:

§ GHG reductions of at least 1.7 million tons of CO2-equivalent per year.

§ Approximately 900 MW of installed CSP capacity by 2020.

§ $4.85 billion of co-financing mobilized, including sufficient financing to ensure viability of CSP plants.

§ Cost of typical solar field in US$ per m2 is expected to decline over the life of the program.

Click Here to Learn More About Concentrated Solar Power

What is Balance of System?

Balance of System or "BOS," also referred to as Balance of Plant or "BOP," consists of the remaining systems, components, and structures that comprise a complete power plant or energy system - not included in the prime mover and waste heat recovery (ex. gas turbines, steam turbines, heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), waste heat boilers, etc.) systems.  

What is Front End Engineering Design?

Front-end Engineering Design, or "FEED," also known as Front End Engineering, is the preliminary engineering and conceptual design completed in advance of the start of EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) process.  Front End Engineering usually concludes with the engineering firm's presentation of an Engineering Feasibility Study or Analysis.

Front-end Engineering Design includes a design team that includes and integrates all or most engineering fields such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, civil engineering, power engineering, chemical engineering, etc.  The FEED design team includes the project visualization and conceptualization stages, including "what-if" decision making analyses, integrating the client company's goals, objectives into an efficient and economic engineering solution.


“spending hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars every year for oil, much of it from the Middle East, is just about the single stupidest thing that modern society could possibly do.  It’s very difficult to think of anything more idiotic than that.”  ~ R. James Woolsey, Jr., former Director of the CIA

Price of Addiction
to Foreign Oil

According to R. James Woolsey, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, “The basic insight is to realize that global warming, the geopolitics of oil, and warfare in the Persian Gulf are not separate problems — they are aspects of a single problem, the West’s dependence on oil.”



American Energy Plan sm

3-5 million new jobs
Fuel Savings of > $1.50/gallon
American Energy Independence
Ends the worst economic depression of all time




Balance Of Plant - BOP


Balance Of System - BOS



Battery Energy Storage





Concentrated Solar Power - CSP



Concentrating Solar Power - CSP





Decentralized Energy



Distributed Energy Resources



Energy Investment Banking




Engineering Procurement Construction - EPC






Front-end Engineering Design - FEED





Enhanced Oil Recovery




Solar Power now "Cheaper than Coal!" sm




Molten Salt Storage





Net Zero Energy










Parabolic Troughs




Power Purchase Agreements - PPA



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We support the Renewable Energy Institute by donating a portion of our profits to the Renewable Energy Institute in their efforts to reduce fossil fuel use by transitioning to Renewable Energy Technologies and reducing/eliminating Carbon Emissions, Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

The Renewable Energy Institute is "Changing The Way The World Makes and Uses Energy" SM by providing research & development, funding and resources that reduce the cost of Renewable Energy Technologies and making a faster transition to Carbon Free Energy, Clean Power Generation, & Pollution Free Power."


  Renewable Energy Institute

"Leading the Renewable Energy Revolution"

"Changing the Way the World Makes and Uses Energy" sm


Concentrated Solar

Concentrated Solar Power - CSP


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